Recipes & Blog

Bettina’s Blinis with Kimchi, Kimchi Mayo & Greens

Bettina’s Blinis with Kimchi, Kimchi Mayo & Greens

Plant-based entertaining made easy. This show-stopping platter is fit for a queen! Chef, author and plant-based wizard Bettina Campolucci Bordi of Bettina's Kitchen whipped up this vegan delight using our Turmeric & Ginger Kimchi. Loaded with punchy kimchi flavour, it’s something that everyone can enjoy. Ingredients Makes 12 For the Blinis75g buckwheat flour 1 tsp baking powder 150ml plant milk (I like to use oat milk) 10g chives, chopped pinch of salt (optional) oil, for frying For the Kimchi mayo70g plant mayonnaise 1 tbsp Turmeric & Ginger Kimchi For the topping125g Turmeric & Ginger Kimchi 1 tbsp black sesame seeds handful of greens,...

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8 signs you may need to work on your gut health

8 signs you may need to work on your gut health

There’s not a body function or process that isn’t affected to some degree by the state of your gut and the diversity of your microbiome. Let’s take a look at some of the tell-tale signs that your gut may need some attention. If you are experiencing any of the following, working on your gut health is a good place to start: 1. Digestive symptoms such as gas and bloating. Gas is a regular product of fermentation processes that occur as food is broken down, however certain strains of bacteria produce more gas than others. If you have an excess of...

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10-minute Kimchi Rainbow Rice Bowl

10-minute Kimchi Rainbow Rice Bowl

A tasty, healthy meal that’s ready in 10 minutes or less from plant-based wizard Bettina Campolucci Bordi of Bettina's Kitchen. Perfect for WFH lunches, hump-day dinners and last-minute suppers.

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How To: A Nutritionist's Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Gut

How To: A Nutritionist's Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Gut

Spring sees nature transition almost seamlessly from the slow, cold, dark winter months towards the warmer, more vibrant summer months. Things often don’t go quite so smoothly for us, having spent the past few months cooped up indoors, fighting off infections, perhaps partying a little too hard over the festive period and overindulging in stodgier comfort foods - all of which can lead toa slightly overburdened and sluggish gut. It's the perfect time to give your gut a bit of a service so that by the time summer comes round, you’re full of energy and raring to embrace the sunshine....

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