What is fermentation?
The process of fermentation has been utilised by man for thousands of years and was originally a means of preserving food prior to the advent of refrigerators. During fermentation, carbohydrates in food are broken down into acids by various kinds of probiotic bacteria and yeast.
Why should I be eating fermented foods?
Eating unpasteurised ferments such as Kimchi and Sauerkraut is a natural way of getting probiotics into your diet. Probiotics are the 'good bacteria' that help to keep our guts healthy. Studies have shown that our gut flora (the bacteria that live in our digestive system) have a huge impact on the health of our immune system (over 70% of which resides in our gut), hormones and possibly even our mental health.The process of fermentation increases the vitamin content in foods and makes them more bio-available (easily absorbed) to our bodies.
How can I incorporate Kimchi and Sauerkraut into my diet?
The only limit here is your imagination! Sauerkraut makes a fantastic accompaniment to cured meats and is a great addition to a charcuterie board. Kimchi is traditionally enjoyed as a condiment and is delicious with noodle soup or fried rice. Check out our recipes and social media channels for more inspiration.
Why is there sugar in my Kimchi...isn't sugar bad?!
Sugar is commonly used in traditional Kimchi recipes to provide a readily available fuel source for the 'good bacteria' to utilise. This helps the good bugs to proliferate and produce the acids that preserve the Kimchi and give it its characteristic tangy flavour. Thus there won't actually be any sugar left in your chi by the time you come to eat it as the probiotics have got there first! We've chosen a high-quality, organic, unrefined cane sugar here at The Cultured Collective.
My jar is bubbling...is this normal?!
In a word: Yes! DON’T FEAR THE FIZZ!! Bubbling is to be expected as CO2 gas is a by-product of fermentation. The bubbles are proof that the probiotic organisms are thriving. Store your Kimchi and Sauerkraut in the fridge to preserve their taste and texture and ‘burp’ jars regularly by releasing the lid to avoid any unwanted pressure build-up.
Ready to take the plunge?